
The Tantric Significance Of Rudraksha Beads

Those familiar with Indian lore in general will have heard of or seen images of Shiva, the quintessential tantra god. Shiva is depicted as wearing chains of dark beads around his neck, arms and ankles. These are rudraksha beads, which have a special significance in Hindu tantra.

When we study the story of Shiva and Shakti, his consort and the traditional tantra goddess, several fascinating stories emerge. One of these is that that Shiva, who is also the Destroyer, took the incarnation of Kali and defeated several demons.

Mythology tells us that he beheaded the vanquished demons and allowed their heads to dry up and shrivel, after which he adorned himself with them. The rudraksha beads which Shiva devotees wear represent these heads of defeated demons.

How is this significant for someone learning tantra? There is, in fact, great relevance in wearing rudraksha beads if one is aware of what they represent. Your tantra teacher will inform you that in order to pursue this ancient science of life and love, one must certainly overcome some demons in one’s life – just as Shiva had done.

These demons are jealousy, selfishness, hatred, dishonesty, bigotry, misogyny and the various other negative traits that contaminate an untutored human life.

When you progress in your study of ancient tantra under a gifted tantra master, you will be confronted with these negative traits within yourself over and over again. The specific tantra instructions and rituals to which you will be introduced will help you to gradually shed these traits and evolve into a superior, spiritually accomplished person.

At this stage, you will be able to wear a chain of rudraksha beads with pride – for you have defeated the demons that hindered your spiritual progress.

These beads have various other mystical properties – they are said to reduce blood pressure, act as a detoxifying agent and have the ability to cleanse and focus the mind. This is why they are also of great help in tantra meditation. However, the benefits of wearing Shiva’s traditional adornment can only come when one’s mind has responded to them with understanding, and one’s actions correspond to their symbolism.

As a traditional tantric teacher, I am firmly against my students wearing such adornments without fully comprehending what they stand for. The fact is that wearing rudrakshas is symbolic of the fact that one has overcome base desires and drives and is committed to the study and enforcement of the Truth. Let no one belittle Shiva’s victory over evil with idle tokenism, for his battle must be ours as well.

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