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Return Policy

Return Policy

“We have no return policy, Goods once sold will not be taken back”.

The most important reason for no return policy is that our products are used for self benefits & could have religious & sentimental values attached to it, so if we accept used products back it would mean that we are reselling used products which our other clients wouldn’t like to re use, further we believe someone paying full value for the goods should not receive anything second hand. It’s as good as cheating

We take utmost care in packing your ordered goods and send them through safest courier services like DHL / Blue Dart / FedEx / Speed post, hence do not be worried on breakage or damage of goods

We request you to kindly be sure before you make any purchases. This is because at times we have goods which are on consignment from our suppliers, once you make the purchase we have to make payments to them immediately and we do not have a return policy from them, other reasons also include non-refundable payment gateway taxes / commissions, shipping charges, insurance, year-end taxes, inadequate knowledge or influence of incorrect opinions on the customers end leading to confusions. We do not wish to get into informal situations hence we request you to not to buy from us if you’re not satisfied prior to making purchases. We are transparent & free to as many doubts or questions you have prior to purchase.

Rudraksha beads

We would like to bring to your notice that there are lot of individuals or institute with inadequate knowledge & no authority who try and test Rudraksha beads which is actually not full proof hence land up giving wrong judgements, their wrong influence or opinion cause damage to the buyers interest as well as the reputation of sellers. We are very transparent prior to the sale of products itself, hence we request our clients to clear and understand whatever doubts or information they need prior to making purchases post which we would not be concerned with the opinion of any individual or institute who has no authority on Rudraksha beads and we believe there is no dedicated institute for the same, hence we do not entertain any claims in regards to the same. We go to the extent of allowing you to even bring along your experts to our showroom for opinion & inspection of goods prior to purchase. Post purchases we would not be able to help you.

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